If you are anywhere on social media, then you’ve seen them, Tik Tok food hacks. They get scared by all of your friends, family members, and acquaintances. What are they, you might be asking? Tik Tok food hacks are the answer to that all-important question. As someone who is not actually on Tik Tok, I saw videos shared on Facebook and Instagram. And like many others, I was quite intrigued. Finally, curiosity got the better of me. So here I am to tell you what I learned about these 4 “hacks”. Also, I’m going to be brutally honest on whether they are as good as everyone is saying they are. So without further delay, here are the ones that worked.
Feta Cheese Pasta
So this is all the current rage on my timelines. I kept seeing this pasta dish and wasn’t 100% sold on the idea at first. It took several friends saying they tried in and that it was absolutely amazing before I decided to splurge on supplies.
As I stated above, I have to be completely honest.
Honest point number is this: I’m not a fan of feta. So when I was presented with the latest Tik-Tok pasta craze, I wasn’t jumping for joy. I watched several videos and read over numerous recipes. Everything I found made this dish seem like it was a no-fail meal. And guess what? It is pretty much no-fail. So long as you follow the instructions and stick with the timeline you are given, the dish is going to turn out to be perfect. Obviously, with any dish involving cheese, user error could result in a not-so-yummy dish. So make sure to set a timer and don’t stray too far away from your kitchen. This former feta loather is now a convert and will be making this dish again.
So if you have seen pictures or videos of this all over your favorite smart device, here’s a super easy-to-follow recipe from Homemade Hooplah.
Quick and Easy Quesadilla
Oh wow was I over the moon delighted that this worked out the way it did. I have to admit that my first food as a child was refried beans and I grew up with a mother who adored Mexican food. So my love for anything even resembling a taco runs super deep. The videos that my friends shared showed a simple assembly and then tossing it in the skillet to finish the quesadilla.
Guess what folks, it truly is that easy.
And what I love most about this recipe? Two things really.
First I love that you get a taste of each filler in every single bite. Secondly, I am thrilled that you can change it up to make it anything you want. Throw some eggs, bacon, cheese, and salsa in it to make a breakfast quesadilla. Or you can switch the fillers up yet again and make a BLT, Southwest, Buffalo Chicken, or even a Pizza quesadilla. The possibilities truly are endless with this hack.
For a thorough step-by-step breakdown of what to do Real Simple has you covered. I can’t wait to try more options soon.
Big Booty Dip
This dip is super delish and super versatile. If you have a specific holiday that you are wanting to make it for, just add the appropriate food coloring and sprinkles, and BOOM, you have a perfect holiday dessert.
1 Minute Molten Lava Mug Cake
Who doesn’t love the idea of a nice warm piece of chocolate cake? And when you throw in the fact that it takes only 1 minute in the microwave, it almost sounds as mythical as a unicorn. Well, let me be the one to say it, this 1-minute mug cake will have you believing in all things mythical by the time you reach the bottom of your mug.
PHOTO CRED: Shaunda Necole
I’m not always one to jump on the bandwagon, but this time, they work. Will I strictly be getting recipes from TikTok from now on? That’s a big no, but I will definitely be more open to them in the future than I have in the past. And maybe, just maybe I will finally download the app to see what the rest of the world is talking about.
Have you tried any of the TikTok hacks that you have seen? If so, was it a recipe, or maybe even a cleaning hack? Drop your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section down below.