OMG it’s almost Spring Break… I’m so excited! J/k, I’m a mom.
Over the next few weeks, most schools will be breaking for Spring vacation. That got us moms over here feeling nostalgic for those worry free/fun-filled Spring Break days of our pasts’. Back when the hardest decision we had to make was which bathing suit to wear that day.
Spring break sure is different, now. So, we’ve compiled a list of the Top Ten ways our Spring Breaks have changed over the years. Without further adieu, I give you…
Spring Break: Then vs. Now
- Then: Making margaritas in the blender.
Now: Making baby food in the blender.
- Then: Dancing on tables.
Now: Yelling at the kids for climbing on tables.
- Then: OAR concert with your friends.
Now: The Wiggles in concert with your kids.
- Then: Staying up until the sun rises after a long night out.
Now: Waking up before the sun rises after a long night in.
- Then: Planning fun things to do with your friends while you’re off from school.
Now: Planning fun activities you’ll do because daycare is closed (but you still have to pay for it).
- Then: Wearing nothing but a tiny bikini.
Now: wearing a tankini, shorts, hat, cover-up, and SPF 100.
- Then: Watching other people have fun at Spring Break on MTV.
Now: Watching your kids watch other kids play with toys on YouTube.
- Then: Planning a road trip with your girlfriends.
Now: Trying to plan one night when you and all your girlfriends can actually get together.
- Then: Losing track of time because you’re having too much fun.
Now: Losing track of time because you’re losing your mind.
1.Then: Can’t wait for Spring Break because you need a vacation from school.
Now: Can’t wait to get back to work because you need a vacation from your vacation.
How has Spring Break changed for you? What are your upcoming Spring Break plans?