Dear Santa,
I’ve been a very good stay-at-home mom this year. I’ve packed all the lunches, washed and folded all of the laundry, prepared homemade dinners, bandaged cuts, kissed skinned knees, organized play dates, scrubbed toilets, made beds, found toys, food shopped on a budget, handled school pick-up and drop-off, scheduled all doctors appointments… and countless other things I can’t even remember doing.
Because I’ve been such a good stay-at-home mom, dear Santa, there are just a few {small} things I’d really like this Christmas. If you can find some room on your
Santa, here is this stay-at-home mom’s Christmas wish list:
- An espresso machine.
- New clothes {non-athleisure, please.} Wait no, I take that back. I think I only want athleisure.
- A reason to wear new clothes. {As long as it can be athleisure.}
- A reason to shower. Alone.
- Wine.
- More wine.
- A maid. Specifically, a maid who also folds laundry {Is that a thing? I’m pretty sure that should be a thing.}
- A full night’s sleep. {Without anyone touching me… or peeing the bed}
- A spa day. Can no one touch me, though? {Can I just sit in a dark, relaxing room and not be touched? By anyone. Does that place exist?}
- A day at the float spa. {Wait. I don’t want to wear a bathing suit, though.}
- Idenity.
- More time. Specifically, ‘alone time’. {And for my husband to not respond to my wish for ‘alone time’ with, “What about all of the time the kids are at school.”}