My name is Chelsea and I’m Type A. I make lists. I cross things off my list. It makes me feel good. All of the responsibilities that come with being a mom of two and working full-time outside of my home makes it difficult to get everything done inside our home. I hated the idea…
I Guess I’m Polyamorous: The Story of One Mom’s Liberating Realization
I am such a fucking cliche. Bored housewife flirts with ex-boyfriend to feel better about herself and bites off a whole hell of a lot more than she bargained for. What a fucking plot twist. I am a 38 year old married woman. Like almost everyone in America, I was raised in a typical dysfunctional…
Warming Up During Winter: Casseroles to Add to Your January
January often finds me huddled up inside under a nice fuzzy throw just trying to stay warm. When I am not taking refuge from the cold, I am keeping warm by cooking some amazing food. Another important thing to remember about January is that I am back to work after Christmas break, so time is…
National Pie Day: Sara’s Apple Crumble Pie
Okay, are you ready for me to admit something – I don’t love pie. There I said it. I don’t love pie. Man does that feel good to get that off my chest. I hear you saying, “Well then why are you writing a pie recipe”. Let me explain – I don’t love pie crust…
National Popcorn Day: Three Easy Recipes for Your Favorite Snack
National Popcorn Day is right around the corner, January 19, and it’s no wonder why one of America’s favorite snacks has its own holiday. Does your family have something you constantly have to keep on hand at all times because it’s a go-to snack at your house? Popcorn is that snack for our family. Even…
10 Family Friendly Board Games
When I made plans for our family for New Year’s Eve, I didn’t expect the electricity to go out. Unfortunately, thanks to a wind storm, that’s just what happened. My kids and I were this-close to ringing in the new year in the dark and my husband had to head to work to help restore…
The Evolution of Motherhood
This post was shared a while back from @mom.break and it gained a lot of attention and is still gaining attention. Originally, I identified with this post since juggling all things motherhood is something I struggle with daily. Yes, all of these things are hard and having so many people like, share, and comment on…
Which Mom Are You?
I’m sure the meme has gotten around to you, listing the different types of moms out there. They are oh-so-relatable and you may feel like a mix of the different descriptions. Well, we, at UR Basic Mom, decided to put our own spin on this meme and personalize them to our contributors. Kayse – Hot…
Top 10 Posts of {2019} from Ur Basic Mom
2019 has been a fantastic year for us, here at Ur Basic Mom and we hope it has been for you, too! It’s important to us to take some time at the start of a new year to reflect on the previous year and highlight some of our most loved content. Here are the top…
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things… from Amazon Lately
How many packages a week from Amazon constitutes a problem? Asking for a friend. It’s just so convenient! Prime shipping is 2 days, sometimes 1! However, now that Prime shipping is my norm, other retailers are so annoying with their 7-10 days for shipping. How dare they! Here are a few things I have added…