So are you dreading the days getting shorter and the temperatures dropping? I’m not, but I know I am definitely dreading my kids getting sucked into their video games and hours of watching the television. So what am I going to do about it? The answer is quite simple, Board Games. A Forgotten Past Time…
Mom Chats 10.15
Ready for your weekly Mom Chats! Last night, we were LIVE in our Facebook Group, Lonely Mom’s Club and we had A LOT to say. Today, we chat about our drinks, some celeb gossip, a DWTS and the Bachelorette. Check out the video below and scroll down for links to anything and everything we talked about….
Mom Chats 10.8
We’re here with your weekly dose of Mom Chats! Last night, we went LIVE in our Facebook Group, Lonely Mom’s Club. We tried to go live just using Facebook but these two ladies with advanced degrees couldn’t figure it out {facepalm}. We’re working on improving our streaming set up, so hold tight, it’ll get better each…
Go Get Yourself a Therapist
“Oh you’re a therapist? Can you diagnose me? Can you help me with this problem?” Sure, I probably can but you probably won’t like what I have to say. When I am not at work and people ask me these ridiculous questions I laugh because I’ll just tell them how it is. I won’t guide…
Mom Chats 10.1
We’re here with your weekly dose of Mom Chats! Last night, we went LIVE in our Facebook Group, Lonely Mom’s Club and the connection wasn’t great. We’re working on improving our streaming set up, so hold tight, it’ll get better each week. Promise. Today, we chat about our drinks, so much celeb gossip, review Dancing with the…
It’s Okay, to Not be Okay
Is it really? The past six months have been quite the doozy if you ask me. I have found that more often than not, I am struggling with the conflicting thoughts in my head. Should I keep my kids home or let them go back to school? Am I hampering their social development if they…
Mom Chats 9.24
We’re here with your weekly dose of Mom Chats on our new day of the week – FRIDAY! You can catch us LIVE in our Facebook Group, Lonely Mom’s Club on Thursday nights, or head here on Friday morning for the replay and all the details. Today, we chat about our drinks, so much celeb gossip,…
Making (my) Social Media a Better Place
Can we talk social media for a second? More specifically, all the arguing, name calling, actually threatening someone (which depending on your state, you may face some sort of punishment). In the words of Taylor Swift, “why you gotta be so mean”? Being a 9 on the enneagram, watching all this unfold all over my…
Mom Chats 9.17
We’re here with your weekly dose of Mom Chats. On our new day of the week – FRIDAY! That’s right, we’ll be hitting your inboxes every Friday from now on. We’re hoping that this will be an easier schedule to maintain with all of the school year craziness. And, we tried something NEW this week….
What We’re Reading
The Ur Basic Mom Contributors Share Their Favorite Books Normal life is back in full swing for most of us, or as close to normal as it’s going to get for a while. One thing that I think several of our contributors have enjoyed during quarantine is the extra opportunity to read. That’s not to…