Ready for your weekly Mom Chats! We recorded a little bit early this week instead of going LIVE in the Lonely Mom’s Club. We’re still trying to figure out some kinks with recording live.
Today, we chat about our drinks, celeb drama, the shows we’re watching, and our favorite memes.
Check out the video below and scroll down for links to anything and everything we talked about.
Mom Chats Show Notes
Drinks (0.26):
Chelsea is drinking a O’Fallon’s Pumpkin Beer. Julie made Hot Apple Cider Spiked with Rum from the Sweet Humble Home.
Check-in (3:16):
After 7 weeks of balancing homeschooling and working full-time from home, Julie is finally feeling like her kids aren’t on their Chromebooks all day. This is in a large part due to gorgeous weather and subscription boxes. Check out the unboxing of the Think Outside box here and stay tuned for an unboxing of the Peaceful Play box today! Her kids have also bee straight up roasting her every day now.
Chelsea’s days are flying by and are jammed packed. She got her hair done today. She’s still waiting for things to slow down a bit but it hasn’t happened yet.
Celeb Gossip (14:07):
All the drama around the Hollywood Chrises. What color are Billie Eilish’s shoes? Did Clare go to the prom, or no? And, is it possible the Bachelorette DID start filming in March before going into quarantine?
One the Blog this week (27:28):
Best Board Games to Buy by Heather
TV Shows (28:50):
Chelsea is watching Unicorn on Netflix.
Julie is watching season 2 of the Unsolved Mysteries reboot on Netflix. She’s also rewatching all 300+ episodes of ER from the beginning on Hulu. Julie and her husband watched the Trial of the Chicago 7 on Netflix.
Favorite Memes (36:41):
Funny memes from @moistbuddha and @normalbachelorfan
Shopping Problem (38:28):
Chelsea bought matching Christmas pajamas for her fam from Hanna Andersson. She also restocked her supply of Melatonin Gummies.
Julie didn’t buy anything this week.