Mom bod. That’s a thing now. Remember the Dad bod craze? Yeah, that time it was cool to have a beer belly and non-defined pecs. I see you, Leo. {I’ll never let go}. Per usual, guys can get away with the Dad bod, but Moms are kinda given a look like {aww… she hasn’t gotten her body back yet}. NEWSFLASH, it’s NOT coming back. I’ve said goodbye, we’re cool. That was until Whitney Port stirred the pot and made me feel feelings again.
Whitney Port {does that name ring a bell}, yes, the Whitney Port from The Hills. Don’t you remember watching The Hills and thinking, ‘man, Whitney is gorgeous and has got it all together.’ Well, Whitney just had a baby not too long again and is taking to YouTube to share the ins and outs of being a new mom and not exactly having it all together {brutal honesty included}.
So… let’s chat about our Mom bods {and I don’t mean Getting Fit} more like, what’s never going back to how it was {a thing of the past, one might say}.
1. Bellybutton
Like what the heck happened to it? I don’t recognize it as my own anymore. It kinda looks like I had my bellybutton pierced and then realized it was 2017 and took the ring out and now this leftover flap of skin just doesn’t know where to go or what to do anymore. Get your life together, bellybutton!
I’ve always had an odd bellybutton, but I’ve had it for 32 years. I’ve grown accustomed to my out of the ordinary, high bellybutton. My husband used to joke about how high up my bellybutton was, but now it’s there {all flappy}. What do we expect though? Our skin is stretched and then when that baby comes out and months later {yes, months} when it kinda goes back to where it started, it’s like “oh hey, I’m new here.”
2. Boobs & Nips
Another incidence of stretching gone wrong. For the first time in my life, I had like, boobs. It was such an exciting time {until it wasn’t}. Your boobs get big when you’re pregnant. Yeah, we know that then they produce breastmilk to prepare for the baby {a couple days after you have the baby, your “milk comes in”}. This is when the big boobs turn on you. They start hurting because of the milk production and then you throw a baby on there to chomp on them and get all the milk out {which, in turn, makes more milk come in}. Have you heard the saying, “adding fuel to the fire.” Yup, a painful situation made more painful. Breastfeeding definitely saves you money from not having to buy formula, but in the long term… that savings is minuscule compared to the boob job to bring those puppies back to life! {obviously not everyone wants a boob job, I’m kidding/talking about myself personally}
So, you fill up, deflate, fill up, deflate, and it goes on and on. Baby chomps away on your boobs {leading to nipple destruction} and there you have it, boobs and nips ruined.
3. Hips
Say “bye girl, bye” to the drawers full of jeans you wore “pre-pregnancy” for quite some time. No, not everyone has to do this, BUT, pushing a baby out your woo-ha means your hips widen more than usual from pregnancy. I used to have tiny narrow hips {Oh, those were the days}. Part of me is holding onto those jeans because, weight wise, I’m back to my normal poundage {but something’s just not the same}. It makes total sense to have good ole’ birthing hips, but then you’re adding up all the moolah you spent on jeans {and will spend} until they come on back together {any day now… it’s your move hips}.
Yes, yes, yes, your body changes and then changes again, and keeps on changing, but to bring it all together, you have this little nugget {nugget means baby}. You would do anything to keep your little one happy, safe and nurtured. Who cares about your dang bellybutton, look at how cute theirs is?! I’m assuming they took mine {you can have it}!
These “flaws” as some might call them are our story. Our bellybutton “flap” reminds us of our pregnant belly we used to rub, our deflated boobs and torn up nips remind us of how we used to feed and nurture our child or snuggle them when they couldn’t settle; and finally our hips remind us that our bodies are amazing and strong, and we can produce life. Our bodies may feel defeated at times during and after our pregnancies, but think of how truly amazing they and we are? That is something to never hide or be ashamed of in my book.
Mom bod power!