Using Weights to Tone my MomBod
I’ve worked out for, like, the past 10 years. Like, consistently worked out. I’ve done it all.
Kickboxing. Zumba. Yoga. Pilates. Barre. HIIT. Bootcamps. Weight training. Running. I cannot forget running.
5k’s. 10k’s. Half Marathon. (Never done a full marathon, I’m not that crazy.)
I was the girl who would go to the gym and walk around trying to figure out what to do more than actually doing something. That worked for awhile. Then I got pregnant.
You know how, during your first trimester (and second and third), you fall asleep at, like, 5pm and are still tired the next morning? Yeah, that happened a lot. Needless to say, I wasn’t making it to the gym after work. For the few hours I was conscious before passing out, I was following all these mamas and mamas-to-be on Instagram. They were doing workouts at home and I was intrigued, mainly because they were legit workouts.
I joined them. I started working out from home using a workout streaming service. In my last trimester, my legs were the most toned they’ve ever been. YES, when I was like 36 weeks pregnant! I knew I’d use this during my postpartum journey.
Now, I’m two years postpartum and I’m back baby. Like pre-baby body and then some, back. Just to clarify, I was “back” a year postpartum, but not like this. I’m toned and okay in a bathing suit… back. How did it all happen? I started a Lifting and HIIT program.
Women are always afraid to lift weights due to a fear of getting “bulky”. But… you’d have to lift some super heavy weights for a long time and start taking supplements to get “bulky”.
I’ve seen such a transformation from working out 4 days a week (3 rest days) and the workouts are no longer than 40 mins (most between 28-36 mins). And I’m down 10 lbs and toned, baby.
If you’re looking to try a new workout and are curious about what weight lifting could do for your bod, I encourage you to check out LIIFT4. The 4 days on/3 days off was great for me as a full-time working mom. And done in under 40 minutes is ideal for me.
Just take a look at me getting one of my workouts done with my toddler!