We all appreciate our kids’ teachers. Especially now. Our teachers are superheroes who have seamlessly modified our children’s normal curriculum to be almost entirely electronic with only days notice.
This year, Teacher Appreciation Week looks a little bit different. Some schools have already finished up for the school year. Others are going the full year. A lot of us have realized that teachers really do a lot for our children.
The moms here at Ur Basic Mom want to make sure that our teachers aren’t forgotten.
Here’s a list of what some of us are doing for our teachers, along with a list of easy suggestions if you need some inspiration.
I made cards on my Cricut and I’m having books mailed to one teacher that mentioned wanting and having a gift card to Barnes and Noble. We also had a drive by parade and gave the teachers their cards.
We celebrated our school’s staff with a virtual appreciation week. The Parent Teacher Association put together a list of themes for each day of the week and the students and parents participated and emailed pictures and notes to our PTA email. The PTA volunteers then forwarded everything to the staff.
Our school did a video collage for each teacher of their students. Parents were asked to submit a video of their child thanking the teacher/sending thoughts & love. Then the school put the videos together.
I ordered some craft kits off of Amazon for Mother’s Day a few weeks ago. At the time, I already knew my son wouldn’t be back in his classroom until June, at the earliest. So I ordered an extra for his teacher and we’re putting it together along with a gift card to one of her favorite stores and we are dropping it off on her porch and texting her to let her know it’s there.
Other ideas:
- Record a video or voice message from your kids to their teachers and email it to them.
- Make a poster or sign out of construction paper and leave it at their school or district office. Call ahead to make sure this is okay.
- Hand written notes are always appreciated! Have your littles put pen to paper and write a thank you card to their teachers.
- If you are looking for gift cards, lots of websites have electronic gift cards that can be emailed to the recipient.
Let’s not forget, our teachers are missing their students, too. A lot of them didn’t get to say goodbye this year and have their end of the year parties like they normally do. We as parents aren’t the only people adjusting to the new normal, even if it is temporary.