Getting or staying in shape is hard enough, then add in pregnancy, and then mommyhood. You wake up every morning exhausted and go to bed each night wishing there were more hours in a day, but if there were how would you use them? If moms were polled, the answer would probably be sleep. However, there’s this part of me that’s like… but my mom bod?
Sadly, “Dad Bod” might be cool, but “mom bod” doesn’t seem to be catching on. I’m currently 9 months post-partum and not back into my pre-pregnancy jeans. If you would have told pregnant Chelsea this, she’d be majorly bummed, cause I’ve always worked out. I had a super fit pregnancy. I did everything I was supposed to do, so why am I here? Why is “she” back to her normal self and I’m not. You get stuck in the comparison game, don’t we all?
How can we stay positive and get to where we want to be (fitness wise)?
1. Schedule your workouts
Literally, put them on your Google calendar. The bonus to adding your “workout event” to your gcal is that you’ll get a notification 10 minutes before, which is a nice reminder to get started.
2. Schedule, but when?
Ok, ok, you can successfully schedule an event on Google calendar. However, are you failing your 5 am workouts? Ask yourself when is the best time to conquer that workout? Are you a morning person or night owl? Do you work from home and can you get your exercise done when the kiddies go off to school or take their nap?
3. Short & Sweet
I love love love Beachbody on Demand. I got into the Shaun T workouts when I was pregnant because they were easily modifiable and low-impact for my pregnancy. However, I did Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix back in the day. The awesome thing about Beachbody on Demand (or BOD) is that you can stream the workouts on your phone, iPad or onto Apple TV. With this library of workouts, you can choose the type of workout you prefer and one that works for your timeframe. Only have 30 mins, no problem. They even have 22 Min Hard Corps – yes, a 22-minute workout.
4. Get the kids involved
Say your kids interrupt that 22-minute workout because chances are they will at some point. Get them involved! Make them your little helper or have them do the moves with you. Have them count the reps, grab your resistance band or water bottle, or get down and do some pushups too!
2 thoughts on “Fitting in Getting Fit – Mom Edition”