As a working mom, I know first-hand the struggles of keeping it all together. Of staying on top of the needs of my family, household, business and myself. But, I also know that my togetherness will crumble and I will break if I don’t first take care of myself.

I’d like to share a secret with you. My number one go-to when I feel like life is spiraling out of control, that I’m being pulled one million directions and my feet are slipping out from under me. That one, non-negotiable, there-when-I-need-it tool, is my breath. Okay, I know what you’re thinking. “I breathe all the time. What I need is relief.” Well, let me clarify.
Breath is a Powerful Tool
Your breath is a powerful tool. A resource that can be tapped into at any time to bring space, calm, and relief into your day. I use breathwork as a tool every day, as a mom and as a business owner.
Try it with me:
- Sit or stand up tall.
- Bring one hand to your belly and one hand to your chest.
- Take an inhale through your nose and notice. Did you feel your belly inflate a bit with the inhale? Did you feel your chest expand?
- Exhale out your nose.
- Try it again. Inhale through your nose, and this time, see if you can intentionally notice your belly and chest expand on the in breath – and if your torso is not expanding, invite it to. Are your shoulders creeping up to your ears? See if you can shrug them down.
- Exhale out your nose.
- Try it again. Inhale a big breath through your nose, noticing your torso (belly, ribs and chest) expand. Then, this time, let the exhale release through your mouth, sighing if you like!
- Did you feel your torso release a bit, your muscles hugging in as you exhale?
- Try it two more times. Take a big inhale through your nose and then let out a big exhale through your mouth.
What did you notice?

The Cleansing Breath
This breathwork technique of inhaling through your nose, noticing your torso expanding, and then exhaling a release out of your mouth is called the ‘Cleansing Breath.’ It takes less than one minute to practice three rounds, yet it packs a powerful punch.
- 3 cleansing breaths will improve your mood.
- 3 cleansing breaths will release tension.
- 3 cleansing breaths will reset your body and mind so you can move through your day with ease.
The next time you feel overwhelm creeping in, your kids are demanding one thing after another, your partner is asking you to go to yet another store, or your boss is giving you another task to complete this week, STOP. Practice three cleansing breaths. Then, focus on one thing at a time.
This practice is just the beginning. Breathwork, also known as pranayama, is a tool you can tap into at any time – day or night – whenever you need it most. Curious? Check out Yoga Nut’s on-demand portal of guided breathwork practices, meditations and mindful yoga movements for there-when-you-need-it relief.
*If you feel dizzy or uncomfortable when practicing the cleansing breath, stop immediately. Consult with your doctor if you have concerns.

This post was written by Lindsay Coward, MPH and Founder of Yoga Nut. She is a Wellness Practitioner and Yoga Instructor dedicated to providing stress and tension relief + boosting mental clarity for working adults, especially moms (and yes, stay-at-home-moms count too!). She lives with her husband and two babes in Asheville, North Carolina. Connect with Lindsay at or on Instagram @yoga_nut_wellness