Yep, cold season…it’s back. It’s October and children are back in school. We all know what that means, we’re rapidly approaching prime cold season because kids love to share. I’m always on the lookout for ways to prevent my house from being taken down and these are some of my most tried and true essential oil recipes. In hopes of saving your home from that dreaded first sniffle or being taken down with the plague, I’m going to share some of my favorite essential oil blends.
In my opinion, these are the 5 must have oil blends for the cold and flu season.
Immunity Bomb
The Immunity Bomb is a great essential oil blend to use as a preventative measure, as well as to help battle cold symptoms. You can roll this blend on the bottom of your feet nightly for preventative care. I like to use this oil blend
Immunity Stimulator
Diffuse the immunity stimulator when you get home from school or work to stimulate your immune system into action.
Breathe Easy
Are you feeling a little congested or like it’s a little tighter to breathe? Breathe Easy will open things right up for you.
Nighttime Diffuser Blend
Diffuse the Nighttime Diffuser Blend at bedtime to give your immune system a boost while you sleep.
Simple Morning Blend
The Simple Morning Blend is perfect to diffuse as you’re getting ready for your day! It’ll help energize and get your immune system ready for battle.
Ready To Take On Cold and Flu Season?
I hope you’re feeling better equipped for cold and flu season! If you want to learn more, join me over in a group I love to hang out in! Tiffany is an excellent source of oil information and you can find her at The School of Aroma Ace on Facebook.